Threat Intelligence
Powerful threat intelligence feeds are mapped to your unique attack surface, helping you keep to date with the latest cyber threats affecting your assets and users.
Read more about threat intelligenceIdentify and manage cyber threats from your whole environment.
Modern cyber threats are evolving and extend past just endpoints. That’s why it’s important to monitor your entire attack surface for suspicious activity. is an XDR platform that contains everything you need to detect and respond to cyber threats across all areas of your network, without the enterprise price tag or complexity.
Find out more24/7 fully managed threat detection. Managed SIEM alleviates the pressure on your IT team by monitoring your environment 24/7 for cyber threats.
Our in-house Service Operations Centre (SOC) analysts will become an extension of your team, proactively looking for malicious activity in your network and raising security alerts to your attention.
Find out moreStrengthen your security and free up your team with a 24/7 fully managed service. MDR is a fully managed, 24/7 threat detection and response service. Our security analysts proactively detect, investigate, and respond to threats, minimising the impact of cyber attacks on your business.
Find out moreCyber security can't be solved by one technology alone. Quickly improve more areas of your security posture with these additional features included in™.
Whether you’re interested in finding out more about our XDR platform or managed services, our team will be happy to help.
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